What brings me to tears, are still the ordinary magics, tiny moments. Ingrained in my heart. That big Alberta sky, even when you can’t see it. It’s ‘ever changing moods’. The camaraderie of this Windwood family, my own family and their tireless support, welcoming us home after long exhausting impossible days with a table full of steaming hot food. The music, still brings me to tears. The smiles of every individual who might have never made their way to a concert hall. These seeds, necessary to plant, for all beings - at the beginning of life, or end of life, or anywhere in between. The stories that grow. The proof we get to feel in our bones, that through time and perseverance, this musical ecosystem is making some kind of meaning.
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Happy New Year.
I hope you have all had some time to rest, to ease back into yourselves, to rediscover the many ordinary extraordinaries that ground you, that bring you peace, joy, warmth. I hope you are still practicing, whatever kindness, patience, forgiveness you most need in this moment. Perhaps, trust. Perhaps, belief. Perhaps, emptiness.
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