Smiling Woman

“Smilling Woman”

What funny.
Fog, mist. 

Damp wet blurry. 
Soggy. Mud. 

Vibrant, most vibrant exuberant
Colors in the gray heavy. 

Soft soft apple shades. 
Red tips. Green imprints.  

Water, drops. Streams. 
Fluffy veil allowing the worlds in between. 

“Wow.” But not nearly enough to say
We. Felt, you know. 

It made sense
In the ways we’ll never know 

The too big to know, you know. 
Yet we felt 

It, the channelling. Through us. 
Invited uninvited 

Carved, ripped, dug out this space, 
Hole, for souls and depressed 

Suffocated silenced voices to story 
Unleashed and rage.


Almost nearly. 
To remember its hunger.

Desperate to survive through 
Sugar. Sushi fingers  

Heart pounding violently, 
To calm slow breaths 

That. What funny. 
Us, what funny. Popping 

Champagne feeding 
Wet earth, smiling 

This wish. 
This price.  




"Stuff we should care about"

There's no "should"
Though, right? 

I can't see you 

But I feel what You are 
Made to do 

Because I, Too


poetryTong WangComment