Emerging from COVID hibernation


When I first got home, it was still snowing.

From then, there has been countless moments. Of incredible simplicity or sublime in nature, in family, in myself. Intimate, personal, or shared moments of joy or reflection or realization, whether quiet or bursting with emotion, of a full moon before dawn, a drop of morning dew, a bite of freshly baked homemade pizza during a LOTR marathon, a scale in a Mozart Sonata ... all that can suddenly move me to tears.

It's been a most beautiful, thoughtful 6 months. Touching memories and growth, adventures kept to myself and those closest around me, filling me everyday, warmly, with gratitude.

But, I'm ready to connect with the world now! I will try exploring social media in new ways - while not spamming/broadcasting my private life, I'd still like to share my joy and give back to the community.

Lots of exciting work (aka love) related updates soon!

Happy September everyone, as the leaves are turning all shades of yellow and red and orange, this pumpkin princess is preparing to magic again ^^

Virtual hugs~

Tong WangComment