Posts tagged wmf
The Windwood Residence House

A house is not just a house.

It’s a whole kaleidoscope of ordinary fairy tales. This is where it begins, and continues. Nothing here is static, or lost, or forgotten. The table remembers. The walls remember. The music remembers.


da capo.

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wmfTong WangwmfComment
A Windwood Fairy Tale, behind the mask

Right here,
is exactly where you need to be.

“Little ordinary magic.”


It’s difficult. After so much work, so much heart, passion, excitement, dedication in the dreaming of the dream, the anticipation of the dream, to then actually live it. To live it in the moment. To even comprehend or feel what is actually happening. Is it worth it. Does it even matter. In this exhausting effort to emote, to create and facilitate something we supposedly believe in, is the magic really there? Or is it in our heads, our wishful thinking. Are we just foolishly blowing the meaning of this dream out of proportion?

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Tong WangwmfComment
Fin, da capo.

My heart has not been like this in a very long time. It’s not the attachment. It’s not just the exhaustion and rollercoaster of emotions. I am weeping alone, uncontrollably inside the Mazda parked on the curb of the Calgary airport departures zone after dropping off the final (and first) member of this festival because … because I am genuinely so, so grateful. I am so blessed. I feel the most raw, infinite tenderness.

It’s really about the people. For me, it’s all about the relationships, the connections. The sense of belonging. For each individual, each plant, for mom, for the composers, for my own wandering, yearning, romantic heart.

The people make it happen.

There is such kindness, such hope in our world. Such awe, such amazement in finding moments of connection, however brief, however unbelievable.

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Tong WangwmfComment

It’s not transactional. This process isn’t transactional. I’m not offering my love and and energy for something in return. Well, perhaps your time and attention. And yes, time is value. But can we move just slightly away from focusing on what we can get out of each investment, each relationship, and simply…be together. Be in an ecosystem of gift giving, generosity, reciprocity not because we feel obligated to, but because we care. We are community.

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