Windsong Music Festival: My Love Letter to Airdrie

I’ve always thought, that the most miraculous, magical, wondrous place, is right here. 50 steps behind my doorstep, down that small path overlooking the endless rolling hills, the dancing cornfields, the warmest sky.

Right here, the most special place. Right at home.

I don’t even have to go anywhere. The most beautiful, precious things are often already right by us, closest to us. And everyday, we are blessed with opportunities to notice that beauty.

The six months I spent at home during the first covid lockdown, I walked this path behind my home three times a day. Without fail. Sometimes before dawn when the moon was still flirting with the clouds, peaking in and out. Sometimes in the middle of a storm, amidst the roaring thunder. Most often though, after meals, to catch this breathtaking sunset. Breathtaking, huh. Funny. It’s always when I return to Airdrie when I feel like I could breathe. My mind, body, and spirit could all finally take sweet deep breathes in and out. The serenity, peace, expansiveness of this air, this atmosphere, this energy.

On my walks, I made friends. Just in passing, an old Afghani man teaching his granddaughter how to ride a tricycle. A middle-aged lady strolling with two big dogs. A stern looking man determinedly speed-walking. And they would always send their greetings. A wave and cheerful phrase in some foreign language, a quick nod, a brief chat about the weather. And just like that, our days feel more fulfilled, more connected. We live here, together.

That is community.

That is what I want to contribute to build, in whatever tiny or large capacity I can. And I’m going to use the tools I know and love best. Music, art, food. I hear it and smell it already in the air. The song of the wind.

The rush of warmth expansiveness
Overflow of love and joy and breadth
The desire to share with someone this view
This feeling
This openness
This incredible understanding


Clouds at the end of the open endless horizon those rolling hills stretching into the sky
The cars driving into that bliss
How is the sky
So big




I’ve always dreamed of building a project like this. To plant seeds, to share the immense love I have for this land and its people. To give back to the way it has nurtured, protected, healed, and inspired me.

And what a privilege it is, and will be, to find like-minded artists to share this space with. People who also are passionate about community building, discovering new ways to allow music to tangibly integrate with the spaces we occupy. Please come join us, I know you guys are out there. Come say hi to the sky and clouds of Airdrie. <3

All that is to say - we welcome you. To our new musical ecosystem. Celebrate, share, connect. Notice. Presenting for the very first time:

Airdrie’s very own: Windwood Music Festival.

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